W Channel - Delivering babies - THE BRIEF

UKTV came to THE FIFTH with a brief to drive awareness of the new series of ‘Delivering Babies’ on W channel.
They asked us to reignite excitement amongst previous viewers of the show, as well as driving conversation and intrigue amongst soon-to-be new fans.


Applying UKTV’s ‘Life Unfiltered’ strategy to our #DeliveringBabies campaign, we set about explored the unforgettable moments every new and expecting parent experiences throughout childbirth. Choosing TikTok and Instagram as the home for our honest, raw, and totally unfiltered conversations, we created an open community, recruiting influential mothers to share their own honest and frank experiences, and encouraging our audience to do the same. Through our campaign, we built a safe space, using our content to spark conversation inspired by themes from the show, enabling their followers to open up, support each other, and share their own stories - simultaneously driving awareness of the series. The campaign won Silver for best use of Influencer Marketing at the 2023 Content Marketing Awards.


Our primary measure of success was post engagements, however we didn’t just want surface-level engagements from this campaign; we wanted a genuine two-way dialogue between the brand and our audience. Our idea would only work if we got our audience to share their stories too, creating a safe hub of content produced by real mothers. We needed to create a supportive community where everyone shared their birth experiences, which would in turn raise awareness for Delivering Babies as it would resonate with our audience on a deeper emotional level. We wanted the audience to comment on our talent’s posts, reply to their stories and share photos of their own personal moments, so that no mother felt alone during their motherhood journey.

We posted an Instagram ‘Add Yours’ sticker from the W channel account, asking our audience to post their first picture with their baby. This was the pièce de résistance, generating over 17,000+ pieces of UGC, which spread the campaign from mother to mother as more and more people contributed their experiences.